คนไทยทัวร์ บริหารงานโดย บริษัท แอคคอมสยาม จำกัด
Department of Business Delvelopement no: 0105552067435
Tourism Authority of Thailand License no: 14/01203
Member of: The Association of Thai Travel Agents (ATTA)
We're pleasure to welcome you all with our spirit of fair business.
What we do and goals.
Provide for the safety conscious. Convenience And quality service to make confident and satisfied customers.
The business effectively. With integrity and transparency.
The work environment and make a reasonable profit. Incentives for employees to learn.
And running at full capacity. And proud to be a part in the success of big companies.
Our vision
Both to the back all around Thailand. And foreigners to service excellence, with the charm and hospitality services in Thailand.
Ethics of the company
Businesses on the basis of fairness and safeguard the legitimate cover fortnight.
And recognizes the value of the company's employees. Principle that all employees as a resource.
The most important and representative of the company. All employees will participate. Success of the Company.
One. Treat their customers with honesty, fairness and protect the interests of customers.
Two. Was inspired with the Selective Service. By neutralization to benefit the agent and the company.
Three. Operates on the basis of fair competition.
บริหารงานโดย บริษัท แอคคอมสยาม จำกัด
836/2 ถ. ลาดกระบัง เขตลาดกระบัง กรุงเทพฯ 10520
โทร: 02-737 1997 แฟกซ์: 02-737 1998
อีเมล์ : info@khonthaitour.com |